Sunday, November 15, 2015

Life- A Stop Gap

Waking up in the chilling winter morning....procrastinating my dreams and volleying the idea of stepping a foot forward to new sunshine......
The sunshine which provides me faith, hope and reason to live ....
Now it all seems drab....
The moment......... what occurred while I was delightfully wrapped in my beautiful dreams under a warm Dovet  thousands of miles away

Did I hear the firing....did I hear screams or was I just undeterred living in my cosy world, unaware what took place in the darkness of night......
Guns were unleashed on innocent..
Sounds of firing shaken the soul of people facing it
Which shot will hit you....where could au run......
Or just before the bullet came forward the blood rushing through the veins froze out of fear.
The fearful silence in the heart and noise of panic 
All which lead to lives gone,happiness destroyed, smiles disappeared ...
The silence of death engulfed everything under the blanket of darkness

Minutes before giggles where buried to absolute silence 
The dinner plans of coming weekend were denied their happiness 
Family waiting home for ritual of breaking bread will be silent on dinner tables for God knows how long.....
It's not one but the whole generation which will be now bought on bloody visuals of people being killed 
Killing just might means  as a revenge of owns happiness because it's seemingly has become a routine 
The cost of life has become  a mere picture moment on smartphones 
Life is just a chip today, you never know when it will get damaged by external virus 
I don't know if I can now hope or at least want to hope of peaceful tomorrow..
A tomorrow like yesterday....a tomorrow where means will be less and we will ride on happiness of hope and peace 
A tomorrow might just be in heaven...
Or will that be also in question? I don't know...
Hoping is what I can do....I will keep hoping against hope  till  I am not reduced to ashes .........

#Prayerforparis #ParisAttacks #ISIS #terrorism #Peaceneeded #Harmony 

Sunday, May 10, 2015

You Being around......

As a kid I don't remember but I use to look for you around.....

While I was sleep, sound of your steps would give me assurance of you being around

The moment you would remove your fingers engulfed in my tiny hands to make me  climb the school bus, I would restrain and would keep the fist close through the day assuming you are around.

While you would be busy reading and putting me to sleep, holding your plait would make me believe you are around
As a rebellious and difficult child I would bang open the door to run away from home after our argument, but I would carry your scarf tucked in my jeans to ensure you are around.

When at 17 I moved out of the house you didnt come to drop me ...I was upset, I thought you didnt care ......."But now I know it was for the larger Picture"  -  And  I sneaked your clips to ensure you are around.

When I can back home, seeing you not all that energetic and missing your trademark giggles, life for once jolted me ..that not always she might be around....

But we have a bond and I know you would stick to your promise of being around forever...
After 12 years of losing your touch,smell and sound I still hold your favorite tiny  purse, it makes me feel you are around....
When I thread all the things of yours around me it makes me feel its Home.....Its our Home and you will be around this home forever...

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Dil Ka Ek Khali Kona......

क़दम  लड़खड़ाते हैं , नज़रें  सरसराती है 
आँखें जब में उठाऊँ तोह तुम्हारी ही एक धुंदली तस्वीर नज़र आती हैं 
सूखे पत्तों सी खनकती तुम्हारी आवाज़ मुझे इस  क़दर झिंझोर देती  है मानो कहीं दूर  हस्तिनापुर से द्रौपदी की बेबस चीख। 
रात के अँधेरे  में  अपने आप को समेटती,ग़मगीन आँखों से धुल में सनी राह ताकती कभी मुस्कुरा देती  हूँ तोह कभी सितारों के बीच तुम्हें खोजती हूँ। 
उम्मीद लगाती हूँ कि तुम्हारी आँखे शायद मुझे ढूँढे , तुम्हें न सही पर तुम्हारे दिल को मेरा इंतज़ार हो,
शायद  तुम ना बोलो पर तुम्हारी रूह में बसी मेरी मोहब्बत मुझे खोज निकाले ,तुम्हारे करीब ला दे।
ऐसी ही कई पहेलियों में मैं उलझी पड़ी हूँ,  जब बैठती हूँ सुलझाने तोह और भी उलझ  जाती हूँ ,  
सोचतीं हूँ शायद जिंदगी कोइ तोह एक पैग़ाम भेज़ दें ,या तोह मेरी  ख़ुशी का बसेरा मुझे देदे या  फिर इस जिंदगी से परे एक सितारे सी चमकने की हैसियत। 
कहीं तोह मेरे\दिल को मिलेगा\एक पूर्णविराम -इस ज़िन्दगी से और मेरी अनकही नदारद मोहबत से.………

Sunday, May 29, 2011

वोह मुस्कराहट

वोह मुस्कराहट ....आँखों में बंद और होटो में मंद है

उस रात धीरे से कहीं कुछ खनका,सर्द हवा सी चली.... आसमा मैं कुछ कशमकश सी हुई मैंने घबराकर आसमा को देखा.....ऐसा लगा "मानो काले बदरा मैं कहीं चाँद निकल आया हो ...

" कुछ काली घटाँओ को हटाता हुआ मेरी और चला आ रहा था...... कुछ तोह बात थी.....नहीं तोह चाँद अपनी रोशनी मेरे ऊपर क्यों निछावर करता........अमूमन  बात कुछ समझ में नहीं आई .......

 पर आज जब पलट के देखती हूँ तोह उस बदरा और चाँद की चाल साफ़ दिखाई पड़ती है!!! 
 वोह एक इशारा था मेरी कमियों पे....एक इम्तिहान था मेरी उलझी जिंदगी का.....

चाँद ने कहा जीना चाहती हो तोह ज़िन्दगी को थाम लो, जिंदगी उम्मीद लिए तुम्हारे आसपास है कही.....कदम बढाओ,और फिर................  दिल ने कही रुकना सिखा है...हम चल दिए कुछ पाने कुछ ढूँढने के लिए...
एक अनजान पगडण्डी पे ....

चंचल मन अनजान कुछ न समझा..... चल पड़ा उस मुस्कराहट के पीछे.....डगर डगर नगर नगर...
खोज निकाला तुम्हे.. ढून्ढ भी लिया तुम्हे..... मुस्कराहट को मन के सांचे में ढाल भी दिया...
पिरो ली एक एक घडी उम्मीद के धांगो में........

पर समय अपनी रफ़्तार आगे बड़ा......और रह गयी मेरे हाँथ में उम्मीद की वोह लम्बी डोरी...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My Guiding Angel

Mom you are my walking Sunshine,
I think of you wherever I go...
You are my Angel, who guides me with my every inaccurate step taken,
Just Looking at your portrait I get hope to live contentedly,
What you've given to me I can never repay,

Thank you Mom, on your birthday..

My Mother

Mom your life was devoted to people,
Always thoughtful of others needs,
You touched many hearts and souls,
Including me for being my ray of hope,
Today and tomorrow, my whole life through,
I will always love and cherish you.....